We were approached by a local company who recently moved into a really cool 
old industrial building and signed a lease for more space than they need. 
They've offered us a sublease of half the floor (about 4000 sq ft), which 
is nicely divided from their space by a wall. On most days they only have 
5-10 people in working, so our 46 (and hopefully growing) members would 
significantly outnumber them. Our members would walk through a shared 
hallway, then turn left into our space so they would not have to walk 
through the other company's workspace to get to ours. The representative we 
are talking to says they are open to just about any financial arrangement.  
It almost seems too good to be true - almost. We currently own our building 
and the entire building is used by our coworking community, so this would 
be a big change. We're concerned about a loss of identity from being in 
someone else's space. We also not used to having to check with others when 
we want to do something to our space. Has anyone done anything like this 
and, if so, can you offer some pointers?

Julia Ferguson
Cowork Frederick

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