On Jun 14, 2009, at 10:37 PM, M.-A. DARCHE wrote:


First, sorry to break the thread. I've just noticed that I did forget
to subscribe to the CPS mailing lists anew with a personal email address
since I left Nuxeo. This is fixed: I'm now subscribed again.

Heh heh, same happened to me for a long while :-)

Of course I'm very much interested in CPSDesignerThemes. From what
I've seen, CPSDesignerThemes behaves very good and is well designed.
And performances should please everyone :-)

Well yeah, don't take that too seriously, I was taking a look to see if there was an obvious bottleneck right now. I'm really surprised to see how fast cElementTree parser is, and also how much faster it is than the serialization. I've been told that lxml (which I plan to switch to for various flexibility reasons) is a bit slower at the parsing, but faster at serialization, and with full xpath expressivity (making python stupid code I had to put in the cElementTree based engine useless).

My only concern now is that CPSDesignerThemes produces XHTML
valid pages, ie no more specific cps namespace tags in the rendered
HTML pages (cps:slot, cps:portlet, cps:main-content). Using namespaces
was of course the right thing, just like in ZPT. But those specific
namespaces should either be stripped in the resulting renderings
or made valid by the W3C XHTML specs. Maybe it's already valid
XHTML 1.0 Strict, even if the W3C validator presently says it's not
(the W3C validator happens to have bugs too, but fixed very fast).

Ah, I see why you were insisting on that the other day ! Sorry for the confusion...

It's true that the theme *itself*, namely this:
(I hoped for a minute it could render directly in the browser, but apparently svn does not set a text/html content-type) does not validate on the W3C validator, and that's what we tried together.

Of course the final XHTML rendered through a CPS site is been stripped of the cps:* attributes in the process of merging dynamical stuff coming from CPS. In case If I forgot one, then that's an easy fix.

Now making the theme itself valid, would be a plus in the long run. A designer could validate before even trying on CPS, and it's good reputation for the product :-)
But I'm no XML specialist by any means. I've just webt accros this :

Would that be enough ? Should the full namespace URL (http://xmlns.racinet.org/cps ) actually resolve to the schema definition or something alike to make W3C validator happy ? If there's someone more knowledgeable about XML schemas around here, insight would be appreciated.

And thank you Georges for all those last improvements on CPS.
I especially like the fact that they don't break the platform
stability and integrate well with the platform design.

You're welcome, you know I really need to have them.


Georges Racinet, http://www.racinet.fr
Zope/CPS/Plone expertise, assistance & development
GPG: 0x4862FFF7

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