Bill Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Perhaps the field has changed since I was in college, but back then,
> academic econometrics had the reputation of being dominated by Marxists -
> the more-Scientific Socialists who understood that if you want a
> centrally planned economy, you have to measure it so you can control it,
> as opposed to the purely political Scientific Socialists who believed in
> centrally planning an economy based on class struggle and rewarding
> heroic truck factory workers and shooting bourgeois greedy bankers and
> other warm fuzzy liberal values stuff.

Well I was in college in the UK in the late 1980s and studied
econometrics and I thought it was dated 1960s pseudo-scientific
leftist junk so I doubt the field has changed much.

Econometrics has completely failed as a predictive science and the
Austrian School has a trenchant critique of the whole idea of economic

Economics is a political science and not a statistical one and the
whole macro/micro division artificial (essentially macro can be
identified directly with discredited Keynesianism)

1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott [EMAIL PROTECTED]

all [zoos] actually offer to the public in return for the taxes spent
upon them is a form of idle and witless amusement, compared to which a
visit to a penitentiary, or even to a state legislature in session, is
informing, stimulating and ennobling.  -- h. l. mencken

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