Dear Christian-Emi, all,

The answer to the crying smily (German roots "greinen" and "grinsen" are still distinguished) should be given by the epigraphy experts. What matters, is their good practice, if it is not conflicting with other disciplinary practices and basic ontological principles. I suggest Francesca and Achille to give us more insight. They are preparing the respective CRM extension for epigraphy, and we need a good interface to it. If necessary, we redesign these classes to their needs.



On 1/19/2020 9:40 AM, Christian-Emil Smith Ore wrote:

​I see your point, I have no problem with that and I have no intention to suggest that such a requirement should be added to some of the scopenotes. It is a meta interpretation of the model based on the scope notes not a part of the model as such.  if the part of a vusual sound track is depicted on a surface, then it may represent a linguistic object without being considered as atext

The inscription class itself depends on  how one defines 'text' (not easy) and with or without interpretation  'Ikke grin!' in Danish means 'Don't smile!' In Norwegian 'Don'cry!'. An engraving 'Ikke grin!​' is it one inscription, two inscrptions or no inscription (Mark) and simply a human made physical feature?



 Dr. Martin Doerr
Honorary Head of the
 Center for Cultural Informatics
Information Systems Laboratory
 Institute of Computer Science
 Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
 GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece

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