Dear Martin,

CRMdig does need a review, and CRMPe would be good to merge with it. I
guess it's about finding the time / forum. For my particular modelling
question, I am happy with the solution filed above. Eventually, though yes
finding these border relations between family models should come on to the
work horizon!

I think we should first review D1 and CRMDig, see how it fits to the
> definitions from the PARTHENOS project.  Then, we should identify a set of
> issues, in particular check the
> boundaries and overlaps with the other CRM extensions.
> I'd rather take a digital object to be one that has an exhaustive
> representation in binary format, regardless whether this is done in
> cuneiform script or on electronic media.

You mean it is 'persistent'... in the Parthenos sense?

> Since there are subtle implementation issues about where to stop
> ontological representation and use data objects directly within a KB, we
> should also finish the issue about how to represent a file.

Also  would be great to have a FAQ on this since everyone does it
differently. Maybe if we have time in the agenda at next SIG?


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