
Pat Riva

Associate University Librarian, Collection Services (on leave)

Concordia University

Vanier Library (VL-301-61)

7141 Sherbrooke Street West

Montreal, QC H4B 1R6


From: Crm-sig <> on behalf of Martin Doerr 
Sent: January 26, 2021 1:13 PM
To: crm-sig <>
Subject: [Crm-sig] CALL FOR VOTE: NEW MEMBER

Dear All,

It is a pleasure for me to announce that Delving B.V., with
representative Sjoerd Siebinga, applies for  joining CRM-SIG. Delving as
a company has been involved intermittently in the CIDOC-CRM community
for the past 11 years.

"Delving is an SME based in The Netherlands that provides unified
cultural heritage data
management software based on the CIDOC-CRM. Its mission is to provide
tailored but
open-source solutions that enhance the visibility and accessibility of
their customers collections
and research data. Recent key projects include ‘aggregating metadata
about stolen art in the
second world war for restitution research’, ‘archive system with
embedded models from arches’.
Our goal is to describe the internal storage model for the aggregation
platform and new
mapping engine with the CIDOC-CRM. Our focus for CIDOC-CRM contributions
for this year
would be on the JSON-LD representation and the use of the standard to
support our Archival
APIs such as EAD and ‘records in context’ (RICO).

We would like to express our keen interest in formally becoming a member
of the CRM Special
Interest Group (CRM-SIG) and to actively contribute to the further
development and adoption of
CIDOC-CRM. Delving will be represented at the CRM-SIG by Sjoerd Siebinga.
With kinders regards,

Sjoerd Siebinga (CEO)
Delving B.V.
De Ruijterstraat 82
2518 AW, Den Haag
The Netherlands"

PLEASE VOTE by Feb 10, 2021


Martin Doerr

Chair of CRM-SIG

  Dr. Martin Doerr

  Honorary Head of the
  Center for Cultural Informatics

  Information Systems Laboratory
  Institute of Computer Science
  Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)

  N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
  GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece


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