

> Am 26.01.2021 um 19:13 schrieb Martin Doerr <>:
> Dear All,
> It is a pleasure for me to announce that Delving B.V., with representative 
> Sjoerd Siebinga, applies for  joining CRM-SIG. Delving as a company has been 
> involved intermittently in the CIDOC-CRM community for the past 11 years.
> "Delving is an SME based in The Netherlands that provides unified cultural 
> heritage data
> management software based on the CIDOC-CRM. Its mission is to provide 
> tailored but
> open-source solutions that enhance the visibility and accessibility of their 
> customers collections
> and research data. Recent key projects include ‘aggregating metadata about 
> stolen art in the
> second world war for restitution research’, ‘archive system with embedded 
> models from arches’.
> Our goal is to describe the internal storage model for the aggregation 
> platform and new
> mapping engine with the CIDOC-CRM. Our focus for CIDOC-CRM contributions for 
> this year
> would be on the JSON-LD representation and the use of the standard to support 
> our Archival
> APIs such as EAD and ‘records in context’ (RICO).
> We would like to express our keen interest in formally becoming a member of 
> the CRM Special
> Interest Group (CRM-SIG) and to actively contribute to the further 
> development and adoption of
> CIDOC-CRM. Delving will be represented at the CRM-SIG by Sjoerd Siebinga.
> With kinders regards,
> Sjoerd Siebinga (CEO)
> Delving B.V.
> De Ruijterstraat 82
> 2518 AW, Den Haag
> The Netherlands"
> PLEASE VOTE by Feb 10, 2021
> YES or NO
> Martin Doerr
> Chair of CRM-SIG
> -- 
> ------------------------------------
> Dr. Martin Doerr
>               Honorary Head of the
> Center for Cultural Informatics
>  Information Systems Laboratory
> Institute of Computer Science
> Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
>                   N.Plastira 100, Vassilika Vouton,
> GR70013 Heraklion,Crete,Greece
>  Vox:+30(2810)391625
> Email:
> Web-site:
> <Delving Application for 
> CRM-SIG.pdf>_______________________________________________
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