> Briefly discussed on irc, but also related to other discussions, is perhaps 
> what client(s) to use going forward.
> To me, at some level, keeping the gtk(v1) client about may not make a lot of 
> sense.  

I'm not sure about that, at least not on the short term. The gtkv2 is far from 
complete IMHO.
On the longer term, it is probably correct that the gtkv1 would get superceded 
at some point, though.

> Especially if we start going down the path of new character creation and 
> other widgets - I don't look forward to trying to write those for the gtkv1 
> client.

> I know a lot of people still use the gtkv1 client.  

Well, I think it is actually more accurate to say that it is the most used one 

> So my basic question is, for those of you that do, what needs to be 
> changed/added/fixed in the gtkv2 client so you would use it.

My most important complain is already well known: gtkv2 requires a 1280x1024 
screen resolution, which is not available (or comfortable) on many screens. The 
resolution currently considered as standard is 1024x768 (a lot of laptops are 
limited to it, while a lot of 17''CRT monitors can only display 1280x1024 at 
rather low frequencies). Although I understand that people that got bigger 
screens would want a client best suited for them, let's not forget all those 
who cannot properly display such a big client: they'll have no other choice but 
quit playing, or deal with ugly things like virtual scrolling.

I think that the problem comes down to the impossibility to reconfigure the 
client interface to suit your needs - not everybody needs/wants a 25x25 map 
display, for example; others may want to get bigger tiles instead of getting 
more. Before scrapping gtkv1, I think that the v2 must provide the same level 
of display configuration.

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