Arnold G. Reinhold writes:
 > Closely matching the statistical properties of a physical device 
 > could be difficult.

Unless you xor'ed them with a different, published sample from the
same device.  white x color1 = color2.  But again, which sample you're
using has to be a computationally difficult secret to discover.  If
you can do color1 x color2 == white, by guessing color1, then you have 
reduced the problem to one of discovering stego in the raw data.  So
that may not be such a wonderful solution.

 > A different approach would be encouraging large numbers of people
 > with video Internet feeds to "pre-stego" their material.

Vulnerable to rubber-hose cryptanalysis.  Publish random bits, go to
jail.  It's detectable, it's enforceable.  Only question is whether
the population at large thinks it's a freedom worth giving up for the
security they receive.  Yes, it's a stupid law; desperate governments
have done morally worse things.  Much worse.  In the previous century,
somewhere between 80 million and 270 million times.  Assuming a median
number of 150 million deaths, on average, 2.85 times per minute.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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