At 10:44 PM 2/24/00 +0000, Ben Laurie wrote:
>lcs Mixmaster Remailer wrote:
>> What are the prospects for smartcard based systems within the U.S.?  Such
>> cards are essentially nonexistent in commerce.  Apparently in Europe and
>> Asia they are widely used, though, instead of the credit cards preferred
>> by Americans.
>I wouldn't go so far as that! I have a wide selection of traditional
>credit cards, and not very many smartcards. Almost all the smartcards I
>have are either in my phone or my TV. I do have a Mondex card, but I've
>yet to activate it, let alone use it. I have never used a smartcard for
>a financial transaction. I do use credit cards frequently, though.

Indeed.  At least in the personal computer space, I've heard that
smart-card deployment is negligible in the US, Europe, and everywhere.
Sure, I ordered my free AmEx Blue, out of sheer cypherpunk curiousity.
But I haven't been motivated enough to actually install it.

Does anyone have any data on PC-based smart-card reader deployment
anywhere in the world?

-- dpj

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