> On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
>>1) Creates a socket-like connection object
>>2) Allows configuration of the expected identity of the party at the other
>>   end, and, optionally, parameters like acceptable cipher suite
>>3) Connects, returning error if the identity doesn't match.  It's
>>   probably a good idea to require the application to explicitly
>>   do another function call validating the connection if it decides to
>>   continue despite an identity mismatch; this will avoid a common,
>>   and dangerous, programmer errog.
>>4) Provides select/read operations thereafter.
> Speaking as a Postfix developer, it would be very useful to have a
> non-blocking interface that maintained an event bitmask and
> readable/writable callbacks for the communications channel, allowing a
> single-threaded application to get other work done while a TLS negotiation
> is in progress, or to gracefully time out the TLS negotiation if progress
> is too slow. This means that the caller should be able to tear down the
> state of a partially completed connection at any time without memory leaks
> or other problems.

Again, you can do this with OpenSSL.



http://www.apache-ssl.org/ben.html       http://www.thebunker.net/

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