On Jul 14, 2005, at 8:13 PM, Rich Salz wrote:

If you had two products ... both effectively performing the same
function, one you already had deployed, which was significantly cheaper, significantly simpler, and significantly faster, which one would you choose?

I was told that one of the reasons SSL took off was because Visa and/or MC told merchants they would "for the time being" treat SSL as card- present, in terms of fraud penalties, etc. If this is true (anyone here verify? My source is on the list if s/he wants to name themselves), then SSL/SET
is an interesting example of betting on both sides.

On the contrary, merchants were (and maybe still are) being charged MOTO (mail order/telephone order) rates for using SSL. Even SET was going to charge MOTO rates until just before it was finalized. The payment card companies weren't getting enough interest for SET and decided to offer card-present rates to get more interest in SET. SSL took off because it was free, in over 90% of the browsers (Netscape own the browser market then), and it was easy to integrate into shopping carts. As a merchant, basically your only cost was your VeriSign cert.

But you are correct in that the payment card companies were in an interesting position: on one hand they charge higher rates for using SSL but on the other hand, the "perception" was that something more secure than SSL was needed.

One other point, SET did NOT require certs for the consumers. The client-merchant protocol supported clients without certs.

Aram Perez

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