Perry E. Metzger wrote:
According to Bruce Schneier...

...Adi Shamir described a new generalized cryptanalytic attack at
Crypto today.

Anyone have details to share?

Stunningly smart, and an excellent and understandable presentation.

Basically, any calculation with inputs and outputs can be represented as an (insanely complicated and probably intractable) set of binary multivariate polynomials. So long as the degree of the polynomials is not too large, the method allows most of the nonlinear terms to be cancelled out, even though the attacker can't possibly handle them. Then you solve a tractable system of linear equations to recover key (or state) bits.

His example was an insanely complicated theoretical LFSR-based stream cipher; recovers keys with 2^28 (from memory, I might be a little out), with 2^40 precomputation, from only about a million output bits. They are working on applying the technique to real ciphers... Trivium, which is a well-respected E*Stream cipher, is in their sights.

My team's last LFSR-based cipher, SOBER-128, is I think well respected and fairly conservative. I can say that we are extremely lucky in the way we load the key and IV, that the degree of the polynomials piles up and is quite high; once the cipher is actually running, there are output bits which would have been attackable (degree 16 is certainly tractable), except for lucky use of addition as well as s-boxes... the addition carries represent high degree terms.


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