Consider a network of N nodes each given an id from 1 to N, each node uses
a protocol where any message it receives it decrypts with it's id. All
messages get sent to every node instantly, and decryption has a very high

Node A wants to send a message to another node (node A just chooses an id
randomly). Node A encrypts the message with the other nodes ID and sends it
into the network. Node A has just securely communicated with another node
(let say node B) without any prior secure channels and for another node to
break that communication they must try ~n/2 decryptions. Of course A is
blindly communicating with node B, but as long as node B wants the
communication to be secure, the communication is secure and it requires no
prior secure communications other than the protocol itself.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Matthew Green <>wrote:

> I assume you're talking about confidentiality and authenticity. If all you
> care about is authenticity then you can proceed under the assumption that
> the channel /may/ be authentic and then later perform the authentication to
> retrospectively authenticate it. This is obviously "duh", but it's also how
> modern protocol negotiation works.
> Matt
> On Jun 6, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Jonathan Katz <> wrote:
> Isn't it obvious? (I mean, there is some value in formalizing the model,
> but still...)
> Consider authentication of A to B. If there is nothing distinguishing
> (impersonator) Mallory from (honest) A, then anything A can do can also be
> done by Mallory.
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