Don't be too hard on yourself. I'd like to point that if you aim to please Valve, you aren't on the right track. What you should do is try to please the players and server admins that might play or run your map. Doing the best you can, spreading information about it and responding to feedback is the best thing you can do. Then if users and admins like your map, they will run it, play it and Valve might pick it up for operation.

However, what comes to workshop submissions, it's mere luck if your map get s a lot of views or not as in users attention. First week is critical. If your map hits spot 1 on most popular this week, the folks will see it on Steam on the CSGO page when they go and start the game, if they use the game details view. That brings a lot of views and subscriptions and ratings.

For example, the first map i submitted to CSGO workshop got over 14000 views, 550 ratings in the first week and it got to that spot. The second map that i submitted about 2 weeks ago (which i think is even better than the one before), never got that attention and views got left under 1800 views and 128 ratings right now. This is actually a bad flaw in workshop, as it favors mostly luck and what gets released at the same time as your map does.

But seriously speaking, don't aim to please Valve. That will never work. Just do the best you can and you might get lucky.

Valve could arrange a map contest, for new maps only. Give time like 6 months to produce work. It would bring up attention nicely and equally to everyone.


Michael Mayea kirjoitti:
It's not bad at all, but the lack of information is inconvenient. What is the deadline? Will new maps be in the next Operation? Will they look for demolition maps or defuse maps or hostage maps? How do you even know if your map is good enough, some people have over 50k subscribers and don't hear a peep from Valve.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Andy Posey < <>> wrote:

    Well that sounds like they are going to be doing OP's for
    different things. Which isn't bad.

    On Feb 21, 2014 1:29 AM, "Michael Mayea" <
    <>> wrote:

        No new maps were added to the Operation, nobody had a chance.
        Valve can sort the workshop items according to popularity,
        they don't have to search through every item.

        On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 2:09 AM, Andy Posey
        <>> wrote:

            What? You need to gather community interest. You can't
            expect Valve to search through each and every workshop
            item. Also, what do you mean you didn't have a chance?

            On Feb 21, 2014 12:58 AM, "Michael Mayea"
            < <>> wrote:

                Valve I believe you should have communicated your
                intent to redistribute the maps for the next Operation
                more clearly. I was under the impression opportunity
                was present when it wasn't, and I worked tremendously
                hard at a chance to get my map into the next Operation
                when there was never really a chance to begin with.

                Do you know what it is like to try and serve Valve? It
                feels like a pipe dream, like I'm shooting for
                something that is so improbable I contemplate
                sometimes if I truly am a rational being. I spent
                weeks cramming for something that had no clear
                deadline and wasn't even a real opportunity, at the
                end of it all I just feel duped. Not only did my map
                not make it into the Operation, there was never a
                chance it was going to happen, and Valve didn't even
                leave a comment on the workshop page. Over 8 months of
                hard work that did nothing but fall on deaf ears.

                I've spent thousands of hours the past 11 years
                teaching people how to use your software, how to make
                maps, how to solve problems. I do it for free, I do it
                because I believe map making is an art form of its own
                and I want to help it grow, and I do it because I love

                It would have made my day even if you told me my map
                wasn't any good.


                Michael "zastels" Mayea.

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