Oh, okay, I understand what you mean now.

Couldn't you just firewall the box with the maps on it? Then you can
whitelist your server, which should be handling the requests. I do believe
that is what we do, I don't handle that end of it.

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Absurd Minds <goabs...@absurdminds.net>wrote:

> It mirrors it in console when you connect to a server.  It specifically
> says 'downloading URL.map.nap' out whatever.
> On Sep 3, 2012 3:24 PM, "Devin O'Malley" <omalley....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Unless someone has rcon, they can't retrieve most server convars' values.
>> If they try to do it in their console, they will only get their own
>> replicated values. For instance on my TF2 servers, if I type in sv_lan on a
>> server, it tells me 1. In order for me to connect to a server, sv_lan has
>> to be 0, so it is telling me what my local set up is, not what the server's
>> value is.
>> At least, I assume that is how CSGO is.
>> On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Absurd Minds <goabs...@absurdminds.net>wrote:
>>> Is there a way to keep the downloadurl private so that other people
>>> can't just put that URL into their server config ?
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