If you are sure they hung after leaving, I think this plugin requires a
little modification to hook the disconnect event. I will look into this
today after work and post to SM if I do anything meaningful ;-)


2017-06-09 0:01 GMT+02:00 Absurd Minds <goabs...@absurdminds.net>:

> I have the plugin working on my server. I came home from work today and
> see a hung user who has been connected for over 2 hours.
> On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 12:46 AM, Marcin Paterek <mrpate...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I had a similar issue (but with connecting players) and used this plugin
>> - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=928684
>> It says its for L4D, but it worked in CSGO just fine.
>> 2017-06-08 2:06 GMT+02:00 Absurd Minds <goabs...@absurdminds.net>:
>>> Players are getting hung in my server. These are players who were here,
>>> but then left, but their presence is hanging in the server. They haven't
>>> actually connected, so there is no ID by which to kick them (can't kick
>>> through HLSW or through sourcemod), but the server echoes the wrong player
>>> count. For example, yesterday I had something like 6 players hung in the
>>> server, so people kept joining and then thinking we were doing something
>>> shady when there were really only 2 people instead of 8.
>>> Here's a picture of HLSW showing two hung users. The server browser
>>> shows 4 players instead of just 2.
>>> http://imgur.com/a/2drBk
>>> Does anybody know how to remedy this problem without restarting the
>>> server?
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