Christian Montoya wrote:

The page is partially reloading when the window is resized. It's not
a good solution and it is breaking while the script reruns. If a
scripted solution is acceptable, that would not be a good example.
I'm with you, though, on wanting to see some really good and stable
liquid layouts. They are few and far between.


Partially reloading? Is that a real concern? How many IE users are
going to resize their window? I understand the problem but I don't
think it makes the website a bad example.

I'm working on some good liquid layouts that involve making max-width
"bulletproof" but I'm too busy right now, I have exams and all.
Patience, please.

Until then, I know it's not attractive but did you test ?

That's worse. Much worse. Big John's Jello thing works smoothly. And our flubber layout also works smoothly:

I understand that some folks look down their noses at IE but they might as well just cut the nose off to spite their face ;-) IE is defective, but not to the extent it's made out to be. It's fixable and people attempting to learn CSS sometimes get a sermon on the evils of Microsoft when they should be tutored on the business sense it makes to create layouts that work stably in the world's most widely used browser - especially when it's not that difficult.

No disrespect intended, but the two sites I commented on are good examples of what not to do with CSS and JavaScript.

Al Sparber

"Designing with CSS is sometimes like barreling down a crumbling mountain road at 90 miles per hour secure in the knowledge that repairs are scheduled for next Tuesday".

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