Al Sparber wrote:

David Laakso wrote:

Tagging on to a thread whose origin I am not able to find....
It is up to you to make "something good looking" (whatever that
means). Georg Sortun has many examples and demos of min-max stuff
throughout his site.
Take the road less traveled.

It must be some type of viral infection. has no horizontal scrollbar in IE6 when the window is made narrow. The content is totally inaccessible. I know this list is supposed to deal with technical questions and solutions concerning CSS (some of which might be asked by people trying to make a living as opposed to playing with cutting edge techniques that don't work in IE), but I'm just not sure what your link is supposed to answer. It's a broken page in a general context, though in the narrower context of the CSS community of developers I guess pages that don't work in IE are acceptable.

Oh well :-)


Al Sparber

Whatever you say. Very nice this end. Opens like a butterfly. 600 to 1280. Nice work.

David Laakso

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