>On Dec 14, 2005, at 6:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


>>>>I seem to be having an unexpected amount of trouble wrapping a list
>>>>an image.
>Strange as it may seme, the ul extends under the floated image, so any 
>left margin on the ul is masked by the book.  To prove this to yourself, 
>set a background-color on the ul.  To get the look you're after, move the 
>margin/padding to the li like so.
>ul {
>         margin: 0;
>         padding: 0;
>li {
>         margin: .2em 0 .2em 3em;
>If I recall correctly, ie/win handles this a bit differently, so my 
>suggestion may need a little tweaking for that browser.
>PS.  You had a padding of .5 on the li which I removed.  In order to be 
>useful it would need a uint such as .5em.

Ah, I went only halfway there when I redefined the <li> element. I needed 
to zero out <ul> as well. But this still doesn't work in IE6/Win. Looks 
perfect in Firefox1.0x/Win. Doesn't work in Safari/OSX.

Something is still missing.


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