> I'll refrain from the obligatory comment on the irony of using valid
> CSS with a page that showcases FrontPage tips...
> Whoops.
> Good luck!
> -- 
> Matthew Levine (http://www.infocraft.com/)

Thanks for the actual help, It's also led to the writing of another tip
<satisfied grin> I found the offending piece.

Ah the schoolboy humour

It's the nut behind the wheel that does the job and yes I'm not that good at
it .. it's merely my hobby  and I'm just a housewife, so who cares?

Why is it ,it's always men making the usual 'FrontPage put down'? Oh.. yeah
... 'my car is bigger, sorry better than your car' syndrome ... so THAT'S
why you guys do that.... another lightbulb moment.

Please your on a roll.. gimme another one <Challenging grin> ok ok .. this
any better <batting eyelashes with grin>

What am I doing wrong with the ezine sign up box so that it appears in
white? http://frontpage-tips.com/ ... I've fiddled and faddled and can't
work it out.

Thanks for any help, plus if anyone has clues to the final bits of warnings
I'd be glad to hear about them, but I'm not going to worry about them.

Original Abstract Art in Pen and Ink

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