On 2/15/06, cj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/14/06, francky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In FF Developers mode (edit css):
> > (1) without "fixed" for the bg-image there is also the grey under part -
> > because of the fixed 100% height of the .master-form (outer container).
> > The min-height of the inner .pagecontainer then doesn't help (doesn't
> > stretch the outer one with white bg and the globe).
> yes the grey still exists, but the image doesn't get covered up.  i
> should have been more specific - my apologies there.

once again i think i explained what i meant badly.  give me one more shot here.

if i take out "fixed", the globe appears within the white content area
just like i want it to.  when "fixed" is there, the globe appears at
the very right hand side of the screen even if the margin of
.master-form doesn't go over there, and in this case it gets cut off
by the grey background coloring.

hopefully that clears up what i really meant.  sorry!
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