Jakob Persson wrote:

>>I can see the problem at the live page, but I cannot reproduce it on a 
>>local copy, the alpha png is working correctly here.
>>Does the bug still manifests without the preload/google-analytics 
>>scripts? Or if there is some content, say a html comment in the div in 
>It was happening from time to time even before I added the google analytics
>script and I was able to fix it the few times it happened simply by removing
>the element, or edit the CSS and refresh the page, then put it back again,
>hit refresh again and then it worked.
>Adding a comment tag there makes no apparent difference.
>>It's a good practice to post a link to a reduced test case.
>I will do that as soon as I can, I'd rather not experiment on the live site
>if possible.
>PS. Thanks for your page on the behavior of links and the alphaimageloader,
>it helped me fix another problem that was the result of using it. The things
>we do to support IE...
Hi Jakob,
First my compliments for the simple and beautyfull design (simple on 
screen! lots of things behind).
My suggestion would be to skip all the IE-png troubles by using 
transparent gif's instead. In the logo you are losing 1210 - 241 = 969 
colors, but with my eyes and monitor I don't see any loss of quality. In 
the nav-bar background, consisting of greytones, nothing is lost.
See (reduced ;-) ) testpage 


btw 1, I could not use your original images, seems some serverside 
script is prohibiting direct download (used images from screenshots).

btw 2, At some moments, not always, your page is loading very slowly, 
especially in FF (?). To see what is downloaded all together, I tried 
the speed tester of WebSiteOptimization.com, but that is failing - don't 
know why. See speed rapport request 

btw 2, Why shouldn't you combine all the nav-images and their 
hover-variants in 1 image, and use css-hover instead of the 
"MM_preloadImages()" script and a lot of html-mouse codes? It can 
simplify and speed up the pages, I guess.
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