Ryan Brunsvold wrote:
> Requesting a site check (excluding menu - which is linked to the old,
> table-based site and should be ignored) for the following site:
> Site: <http://www.baycreek.net/newest.html>
> CSS: <http://www.baycreek.net/newest.css>
> Having a few display problems in Safari.
Sorry, no got Safari.
It's tough to read for older folks at 1280 and up, and the fonts-will 
not zoom without putting IE in accessibility mode. This is an /opinion/ 
on how you might correct it:
html, body { /*font-family: "Trebuchet MS", arial, sans-serif;*/ font: 
100%/1.25 sans-serif; }
p { /*font-size:12px;*/ <<delete both and replace neither>> 
/*line-height: 1.2em;*/ }
h1 { how about a warm blue-- the black is a little overwhelming?}
#pagewidth { width:850px; <<maybe trim so that you don't get a horz 
scroll bar at 800? }
#leftcol { /*text-align:center;*/ text-align:left;}
#leftcol p { color: #7490AC;/*bump the contrast*/ 
/*font-style:italic;font-weight:bold; line-height:1.2em;*/}
#rightcol { /*text-align:center;*/ text-align:left;}
#lightboxDetails{ /*font-size: 1.0em;*/ /*font-family:"Trebuchet MS", 
arial, sans-serif;*/ }
And reduce font-size in the footer
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