Marc Funaro wrote:


> 1.  How can I get #Container_Middle, which provides the light green 
> background, to fit the height of the browser, but allow it to grow 
> longer as needed?  Same with #Container_MainContent?

You can solve it for #Container_Middle by giving html and body full
height: 100%; and rethink the positioning a bit. Not quite that easy for

> 2. As you can see, I've placed the horizontal line that marks the top
>  of the navigation area, but I cannot seem to move it downward, using
>  margin-top for that image.  Instead, it stays sitting across the 
> tree.

1: I deleted that line-image since it isn't needed.
2: a margin-top and a border on #Container_LeftNavColumn will do. Adjust
to taste.

> 3.  My PNG files look fine in Firefox, but not in IE.  What the heck 
> did I do wrong?

Nothing. As Erik said: IE can't handle those pngs.

> 4.  All my hard work adjusting margins on the various page elements 
> seems to be for nothing... When I view the same default page in IE, 
> it's all messed up.  How frustrating... Ready to just go back to 
> tables after feeling like I've just wasted my entire afternoon.  :(

No problem. I've wasted several minutes on it already, so if you prefer
tables then just say so ;-)

> 5.  My navigation div is before my content div.  From what I've read,
>  I assume this is bad, for accessibility reasons.  But when I move my
>  nav div to "after" my content div, the top of the #Container_Middle 
> moves out of position.  Argh!

I reversed it, just in case you wanted that body content first. Will
work either way, so no big deal.

> Anyone want to keep helping a newbie?

Sure :-)

Most of your questions are answered in this quick-sketch...
...which should give you a few ideas about how it can be done (and I'm
sorry I "ruined" your images :-) ).

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