Hi Peter

Sorry, I sent my reply to you personally rather than the list, didn't 
realise when I hit the reply button.

I'm just about to give your suggestions a go now, will keep you posted.

 From Peter Hyde-Smith
From: "Peter Hyde-Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [css-d] site check please

Yes, I am pretty sure you are right aboout the overlap/gap being caused 
by the absolute positioning. You have the <div class="leftcolh"> 
positioned absolutely relative to the <wrapper>, fixed 102px below the 
top of the page. When the header box expands with the text to a size 
greater than 102px, the overlap occures. When the header box shrinks 
with the text to a size smaller than 102px, the gap occurs.

Try adding, let's say, <div class="innerwrapper"> after the <div 
class="underbar">, and close it before <p class="updated"> in the html. 
Add .innerwrapper    { position: relative;} to the core.css, and change 
.leftcolh to {...position: absolute; top:0...} in the home.css, and see 
what that does. That way the <div class="leftcolh"> is positioned 
relative to what is essentially the bottom of the <div class="underbar">.

I am sure you will get suggestions about floating the leftcolh. IE can 
be fickle about absolute positioning; something about having to 
explicitly declare position: relative on the element it's positioned 
by...but I may be FOS. Also, you may want to position the nav list using 
em units from the top, rather than px.

The positioning is probably causing the the column length problems as 
well. You could nest another division inside the innerwrapper, but 
closed before the <div class="leftcolh">. Make the innerwrapper 
background color the same as the column color and make the background 
coloe of the nested div white, or whatever. That way the gap between the 
column and the footer is the same color as the column. I think...

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