Brian Jones wrote:
> On 6/1/06, francky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> New experiment: here is another altenative, with small images, and
>> font-scaling proof:
>> (fixed width version)
> Hi francky,
> thanks for your help...i will use this technique..but I have a
> the inner-body div if you decrease the content, say to
> only one line of text, the green border does not extend the height of
> the inner-left how can I have so that no matter what the
> length of the content is in any div there's a border separting the
> inner-left div and inner-body div.
> Could I use the panel-sides image that you've supplied and have it
> repeat-y? or what?
Hello again Brian,

    Francky's examples are really good, I like this method of using one 
image for background effects. I've only tried image slicing with 
navigation before now. Anyway, you need to use the min-height attribute 
and a wee hack for IE <= 6.

     .inner-body, .inner.left {min-height: 100px; /* or whatever */}

    * html .inner-body, .inner-left {height: 100px; /* or whatever */}

    The second rule is an IE-only hack that should probably be in a 
Conditional Comment (worth reading up on) but anyway, the point is that 
when you set a fixed height in IE <=6 and the content extends beyond 
that height IE incorrectly expands the height of the container so in 
effect it's the same as min-height, but only in IE.

    I've just done some reading up on min/max stuff in IE7 and it seems 
it's not in the beta yet but they are working on it. Does anyone know if 
IE7 still expands elements with a fixed height if their content overflows?

    Cheers, Rob O

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