>> http://www.richardnicholson.com/testing/menu_with_frames3/editorial.html

Ok, the working 'position: fixed' solution for IE6.

Replace what's in your 'ie6.css' stylesheet with the following...

html,body {
background: #fff url(foo) fixed;

#topbar {
position: absolute;
left:expression(eval(document.compatMode &&
document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ?
: document.body.scrollLeft);

#content {
padding-top: 3.8em;

...and few will notice any difference between how IE6 and Firefox handle
your page.

This solution is taken from...
...under the headline *"fixed" horizontally*, with the additional 'speed
fix' from higher up in that article.

The advantage with this solution is that the page will still work just
fine in IE6 even if script-support is turned off for whatever reason,
since the scrolling isn't affected at all.

Note that there are the usual problems with the standard 'position:
fixed' causing potential overlapping in your page, as can be seen in
any browser on narrowed windows and/or resized fonts.
IE6 will replicate those problems also.

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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