> Replace what's in your 'ie6.css' stylesheet with the following...
> html,body {
> background: #fff url(foo) fixed;
> }
> #topbar {
> position: absolute;
> left:expression(eval(document.compatMode &&
> document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ?
> documentElement.scrollLeft
> : document.body.scrollLeft);
> }
> #content {
> padding-top: 3.8em;
> }

Hi Georg

Thank you VERY much for your help.

Although I don't understand Javascript (well, I think it's JS!), it 
looks like a neat and compact solution.

The updated pages are here:


Unfortunately I can't test it right now. (I'll go to an internet cafe 

One question:

In my main CSS - 
http://www.richardnicholson.com/testing/menu_with_frames4/menu.css -

- there is the following code:

html>body #topbar {position:fixed;z-index:10;}
html>body #content {padding-top: 3.8em;}

I'm not sure if understand that type of selector (i.e. 'html>body' - I 
lifted it from Roger's code). Is it hiding the rule from IE6 (and only 
IE6?). Is it still necessary with your solution? I'm thinking that 
maybe it is only necessary for the #topbar, and that the #content can 
do without the 'html>body' prefix (meaning that '#content {padding-top: 
3.8em;}' could be deleted from ie6.css). (Also the 'z-index:10' - 
shouldn't IE6 be seeing that too?)

Apart from that is there anything I would ever want to adjust in the 
ie6.css? Or can I just leave it be?

Thanks again


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