Elli Vizcaino wrote:

> [...] It's looking great so far across IE7, Safari & FF as far as 
> look & layout is concerned. You can see examples here:

> www.e7flux.com/tgb

> www.e7flux.com/tgb/index2.html

> However, I'm still baffled by I6. Apparently you've made the 
> iepngfix.htc file work to support the .png files albeit it aliases 
> the edges (so not sure what good that does me since I could've used 
> GIFs if I had wanted to get the jaggies around my images). Jaggies or
>  no jaggies I can't seem to make it work from my end.

I ignored the entire transparency issue, and used 8 bits pngs - more or
less the same as gifs. Thus, no iepngfix.htc in use in my example.

IMO: a bit of careful image-handling in PhotoShop or other software,
will make most images work well as 8 bits - with a slightly reduced
quality but without too troublesome jaggies.


You can then either feed such a "reduced" image to all browsers, or feed
the original to capable browsers and the "reduced" version to IE6 and
older. This will work without any transparency-fixes for IE6, and you
won't have problems with tiling in that browser.

> Also noticed there were some conditional comments? around the css - 
> not sure what that is or the purpose. I didn't place it in my 
> stylesheet and perhaps I should but it doesn't seem to make a 
> difference with regards to the png script. Can you please explain 
> these set of characters?

They are CDATA delimiters, which are normally only used inside the style
or script elements in page head - never inside stylesheets.
CDATA delimiters are also only used in documents that are supposed to
survive when served as real XHTML, which my example is but your pages
clearly are not.

You should take a bit more care and write valid source code.
For instance: an anchor is not an empty element, and should never be
marked up as one.
This is not correct, no matter which doctype you use...
<a href="http://www.e7flux.com"; />Elli Vizcaino</a>
...while this is correct for all variants of (X)HTML...
<a href="http://www.e7flux.com";>Elli Vizcaino</a>

That single mistake is interpreted as 5 different errors by the HTML
validator, in addition to "text directly in body" which is not allowed
in Strict.

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