On 16.11.2008 15:24, Bruno Fassino wrote:
> Patrik Jansson wrote:
>> Thanks! Yes, your fix solved it (at least in IE7), I hadn't heard of
>> the zoom-attribute before.. Could someone check e.g.
>> http://www.mondiara.com/x_hemvik.php?lang=en on IE6 and tell if the
>> the big images are aligned with the top of the thumbnails like in FF,
>> Safari and IE7?
> I think they are aligned as desired, but in IE6 your hover is not working.
> You have used a child selector (like in '.gallery a:hover > img.big') which
> IE6 doesn't support. I believe you can get rid of it (just use a simple
> descendant selector). Then maybe IE6 still needs other minor corrections
> (like having an hover on the simple 'a' as well), I haven't tested.
Thanks for that, I changed the child's to descendant selectors and 
everything seem to work as desired! finally. :)
> Yes, width triggers hasLayout, so it has the same effect as zoom. I prefer
> zoom, since it is sort of 'neutral' and it immediately recalls that it is a
> sort of hack. Again opinions here vary much. The hasLayout article (and
> linked pages) is a source of further information.
> You're welcolme. Sorry if I'm a bit concise, hasLayout problems in IE are a
> long and winding matter :-)
> Bruno
No problem with concise explanations, the link you provided had good 
information in a more elaborate manner. :) I was just wondering if there 
was any reason to select a specific attribute for hasLayout purposes and 
I liked your reasons for using zoom. Maybe we can get rid of those later 
when (or if?) IE doesn't need those in the future and using zoom makes 
these hacks easier to find.

thanks again,
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