On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 21:31:54 +0100, Patrik Jansson wrote:

> Hmm.. it seems I was a bit too hasty with saying it
> works... I installed IE6 now and
> saw that the hovers don't work. What could be the problem? You say
> that it should have "hover on the simple 'a' as well", but
> doesn't it already have it? The appearance of big image is achieved
> when hovering the thumbnail: --- .gallery a:hover img.big {
> display:block; } ---

As David mentioned, a rule like
  .gallery a:hover img.big { display: block; }
may not work in IE6 without an "extra kick" of the type
  .gallery a:hover { background-position: 0 0; }
Only certain rules (like background-position) are useful here, and they must
be applied to the 'simple' a:hover.

Unfortunately, this is not sufficient in your case.
Your <a>s have no href and IE6 seems not to apply any hover in this case. So
you need to add an href (something like # is sufficient, but you could also
use something more useful like the url of the big image...)

After this two corrections I see hovers working in IE6, but there is still a
problem, at least in my IE6: Once the big images are displayed they remain
'stuck', so the hover seems to work correctly only the first time. I haven't
looked too much, the only simple workaround I've found is to change method
to make the big images to appear and disappear. Instead of using display:
none/block, use visibility: hidden/visible.  But this should be tested
better, maybe on a simplified test case.


Bruno Fassino http://www.brunildo.org/test

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