c...@gorge.org wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 10:28:19AM +0900, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
>> So you gonna worry about Chrome, a browser that is barely out of beta  
>> (if at all...) and is only used by a handful of geeks, but you don't  
>> test you work in Safari ? Interesting.
> Chrome as a desktop browser is used by a handful of geeks,
> but it's on all the Google G1 phones (and jolly fast it is too!)
> so it's bound to get more use / exposure that way in time.

My daughter's no geek (she's a fibre arts graduate) and uses Chrome on 
her Windows Vista desktop PC. Still you should test in Safari, too. 
That's what the iPhone uses, IIRC. And there are _just a few more_ users 
of iPhones than Google phones at the moment.

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