At 11:01 +0000 on 03/13/2009, Bobby Jack wrote about Re: [css-d] Font 
size dilemma:

>Having said all that, I don't think we need to be too dogmatic about 
>it. Web pages are NOT the same as books - I believe there should be 
>more of a visual identity to a site than just a logo and a couple of 
>images. If browsers did a better job of handling font-sizing, every 
>web site could easily be readable by all whilst maintaining a unique 
>look of its own, even in regards to the 'base' font size.

In some ways CSS is a step backwards on this issue from the old HTML 
FONT tag. With <FONT ...> you display in the USER'S defined font size 
and increase/decrease the display via the SIZE parm. With CSS you can 
get the same result via use of EM or % sizes but using PT (or other 
measures that ignore the user's default font size) causes the user's 
settings to be overridden and ignored.

Bob Rosenberg
RockMUG Webmaster
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