Hello all,

Sometimes we learn enough for doing it, and even customize it but, 
I actually would like to clear some points on the path to properly 
and precisely understand it. I will try to be as technical as I can 
at this moment, please correct any concepts that I may get wrong. 
Thanks a lot.

Here is the source information:
http://www.nuvemk.com/formacao_lx/outros/ul_li_tests.html - the css styles
are inside.

On the .navegacao class declaration block:

        We have a overflow:hidden; declaration. 
        We know that this is for IE proposes only (trigger hasLayout 
        we also know that we use it so that this element could contain 
        the descended float elements. 

        However, the immediate descended - ul - has no float property 
        applied to it but the next descended element,- li - has. 
                If we apply overflow property here, will this property 
                be inherited to descendants even without being declared 
                on them as inherit ?
                How do we call the properties that have this inheritance 
                Having inheritance is something that some properties may 
                have by default, or the user agents are the responsible 
                for "giving that" to some properties?

                The - display:inline; - declaration on - .navegacao ul li - 
                selector, will place our list items inline. 
                However, if we have no float declaration as well, we will 
                have some left and/or(?) right space between inline
                What space is that? Web developer toolbar show us no margin,

                neither padding.

                I see that, to solve it, we can use the float property to 
                eliminate that extra space between inline elements. 
                Why is that? Is it because the float property tell us 
                by definition, that if we have, for example, 3 floated 
                elements they will/should place themselves on the outer 
                edge of the previous floated element or container?

                On the - .navegacao ul li a -  declaration block, 
                we can't add padding-top and bottom, they will not be
                rendered on the viewport. Why? Because we are treat them
                as inline elements and not, block box elements. 
                Is this precise?

                Why line-height doesn't work either?

                The question that make all those be here: "how can I 
                put a background on the navigation, that goes beyond 
                the right border height? 
                Since we can have no padding nor line-height, should 
                we apply the background color to a parent element? 
                Which one?
                Let's imagine that the background color should start 
                on the top ---- and end on the bottom ---- : 
                ---------  ---------
                | item1 |  | item2 |
                ---------  ---------

Please help me solve this maze,

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