On Mar 7, 2010, at 11:26 PM, MEM wrote:

>> Ingo already gave you an explanation for what that space is
>> (white-space nodes in the html mark-up)
>> When you float the element or otherwise set to to display block,
>> html parsing rules kicks in, and basically those nodes are
>> suppressed for display purposes.
> A lot to discover here. What are those white-space nodes on <html> ?

Not white-space nodes on <html>, but all kind of white-space nodes in the whole 
source code. That include line-feeds, etc.
16.6.1 The 'white-space' processing model

> What
> other white-space nodes can we find? Why inline accepts those white spaces
> and block elements don't ? Is this something to do with box-model ? Does the
> box model apply to inline elements? Why has a markup language white spaces?

No this has nothing to do with any box model, and yes, the box model applies to 
inline elements (although width and height don't apply to those).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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