Thank you all for your replies, again.:) I needed some time to test and
think a little...

>>                1)
>>               If we apply overflow property here, will this property
>>                be inherited to descendants even without being declared
>>                on them as inherit ?
>"Inherited: no"

Clear. :)

>>                2)
>>                How do we call the properties that have this inheritance
>>                capacities?
>>                Having inheritance is something that some properties may
>>                have by default, or the user agents are the responsible
>>                for "giving that" to some properties?
>Each property defines whether it is inherited or not.
>see the "Inherited?" column here

No doubts here as well, btw, this last link is a very useful table.

>>               3.1)
>>               I see that, to solve it, we can use the float property to
>>               eliminate that extra space between inline elements.
>>               Why is that? Is it because the float property tell us
>>               by definition, that if we have, for example, 3 floated
>>               elements they will/should place themselves on the outer
>>               edge of the previous floated element or container?
>Ingo already gave you an explanation for what that space is
>(white-space nodes in the html mark-up)
>When you float the element or otherwise set to to display block,
>html parsing rules kicks in, and basically those nodes are
>suppressed for display purposes.

A lot to discover here. What are those white-space nodes on <html> ? What
other white-space nodes can we find? Why inline accepts those white spaces
and block elements don't ? Is this something to do with box-model ? Does the
box model apply to inline elements? Why has a markup language white spaces?

I realize this is to many questions with two many uncovered holes. I will
try to clarify them with the list help, with time, if you all allow.

David Laakso and others, I was clearly unable to represent the intended
result, this works, either in navegacao class or on the ul related :

>>padding: 20px 0.5em; background: #eee;

But the intended result was something more like this:

to accomplish this, I have add padding to the a element.

>>               4)
>>               On the - .navegacao ul li a -  declaration block,
>>               we can't add padding-top and bottom, they will not be
>>               rendered on the viewport. Why? Because we are treat them
>>               as inline elements and not, block box elements.
>>               Is this precise?
>>               Why line-height doesn't work either?
>the parent UL & DIV are set to 'overflow:hidden', the <a> elements are
>set to display: inline. The padding (top and or bottom) is applied to the
>elements, but because it is an inline element, the
>excess padding will be clipped by the overflow:hidden.

Ok. But if I remove the display:inline; should the padding-top and bottom of
those elements (that are no longer inline), be rendered on the viewport,
despite the overflow:hidden; declaration ?
If I remove only the display:inline; and I keep the overflow:hidden; I still
can't see the padding effects:

>Line-height should affect the layout though.
and if I remove the padding declarations and try to do it with line-height
property, I still can't see any effects on the vertical space augmentation:

So, I still have doubts here:
>but because it is an inline element, the
>excess padding will be clipped by the overflow:hidden.

because it seems that, even if we remove the display:inline; property, the
padding is still clipped,if we keep that overflow:hidden; declaration.

Since to accomplish this,

we need to remove the overflow:hidden; declarations, may I presume that, on
this case, this is not the proper hasLayout trigger to sue?
In your opinion, what effective hasLayout trigger can be used here?

Thanks you all,
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