> For IE I'm using conditional comments. Actually, the design is, at this
> point, quite simple and I haven't needed many lines in the IE specific
> stylesheets up to now, even for IE6.
> The previous version of the site was done in 2003 and 2004. I used the
> usual hacks when needed and tested at the time for IEWin 5, 5.5. Now, I
> don't have IE5 or 5.5 anymore and don't want to spend time doing fixes
> for them. However, I checked the logs and there are still a (very) few
> visitors using these browsers.
> I'm thinking of using the "universal ie6" stylesheet from
> <http://forabeautifulweb.com/blog/about/universal_internet_explorer_6_c
> ss/>, but only for IE5 and 5.5 for Windows. Since I can't check it out,
> could somebody please confirm that this stylesheet (ie6.1.0.css) will
> do the job, as it's intended for IE6.
> For IE Mac, I don't know what to do. I would like to serve it the same
> simplified stylesheet but it seems conditional comments don't work for
> IE Mac. What would be the best alternative that will leave the smallest
> footprint in my html?

Bravo for trying to support as many browsers as possible, and for *not*
considering the "universal ie6" styles sheet for IE6. 
And when using it for IE5, you may want to remove/ignore some of the rules
in there: the CSS expression, all the elements that you know would not be
part of your documents, or rules you do not think are necessary. 
For example this rule:
h1 img, h2 img, h3 img, h4 img, h5 img, h6 img { margin : 0; }
that follows this one:
img { margin : 0; }

Or rules like these:
blockquote:before, blockquote:after, q:before, q:after { content : ""; }
blockquote, q {quotes : "" ""; } 
abbr { border-bottom : 1px dotted #666; }

Or am I missing something?

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