On Jun 3, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Peter Bradley wrote:

> Ar 03/06/10 20:09, ysgrifennodd Peter Bradley :
>> The validator gives 117 errors, Greg.  I guess that this means that
>> different browsers are going to try to recover in different ways.   
>> They
>> don't look too hard to cure.  Many of them are to do with the product
>> table you've included as a comment.  Getting rid of that might get  
>> rid
>> of a lot of them.  Then there's the usual crop of missing alt
>> attributes, which I wouldn't think are affecting your layout; but
>> there's also a fair few where you appear to have used elements in  
>> places
>> where they're not allowed.
>> I'd have a go myself, but I'm a bit busy at the moment.  If it was  
>> me,
>> though, that's where I'd start.  The worst that can happen is that  
>> it'll
>> give you a clean basis to work on.
>> Cheers
>> Peter
> Couldn't resist a little play!
> Yeah.  Cutting out the commented product table reduces the errors to  
> 38
> or so.  Your main problem then is that you have block elements like  
> <h1>
> and <div> and so on, inside inline elements - notably <a>.  You  
> can't do
> that.  So you need to replace stuff like:
> <a href="something.html"><h1>A heading</h1></a>
> with something like:
> <h1><a href="something.html">A heading</a></h1>
> This will likely mess up your CSS, so you'll have to mess with it to  
> get
> the look back to what it should be.
> After that it looks like all you'll have to worry about are some
> unclosed self-closing elements like <input> and some missing  
> attributes.
> Cheers
> Peter
> -- 
> http://www.peredur.net

Thanks Peter, I appreciate the input!


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