On 2010/07/16 06:52 (GMT-0700) Cynthia Page composed:

> This may be off topic, if so please forgive me. I would like to be able to 
> change some text sitewide like you can change text formatting sitewide with 
> css. 

> I keep coming back to this in my mind because with css you can add a link to 
> a 
> background image and of course have that image applied to every page on your 
> site using you css file.

> Can you so this with text - the most obvious use would be for your menus so 
> you 
> can change it once and then the whole site is updated. I know this can be 
> done 
> because someone told me a couple years ago - however I had no need for it at 
> the 
> time and didn't pursue it. I would also like to be able to update paragraphs 
> of 
> info this way.

> Will you please lead me to the correct resources?

The [WD] list is a good place to ask design questions not specifically
related to CSS.

Maybe an <iframe> is what you're thinking of. One example:
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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