"G.Sørtun" wrote:

On 09.10.2010 06:41, David Laakso wrote:
 This is a first-pass at "tight but not touch [ing]" on h2

Visually there is a vertical imbalance, because the bottom of first
letter is in perfect balance with next letter. First letter down a
pixel or so, will make it *appear* more in balance.

Maybe... but the difference between the first letter and the rest is so big that it would disturb be, independently of vertical balancing. I'm especially referring to the rendering I see on IE 8 and Chrome, on which the font embedding techniques apparently don't work - and a serif default font is used in 700% size. (I don't understand why they use a serif font, but they do.)

> H2's font-family not consistent across my browsers,

On Firefox 3.6.10 (Vista), the site's H2 font-family behaves very oddly. On the main page, I see the embedded sans-serif font (I guess), but when I click on "Portfolio", I first see the heading that way but then the rendering automatically changes to the same style that I see on IE 8.

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
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