On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 11:38 AM, David McGlone <da...@dmcentral.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-11-07 at 13:15 -0600, Keith Purtell wrote:
>> When it comes to making sure my Web design appears normally in different
>> browsers, I've been checking via the three installed on my PC, the Mac
>> at work, two other PCs owned by family members, and an iPhone a friend
>> has. I'll probably always check to see how a site looks on different
>> machines because of differing resolutions and media, but when it comes
>> to simply sniffing out CSS quirks, I wonder if someone on the Web has a
>> list of the most common quirks for different browsers/versions?
> Why go through all that? Use adobe browserlab to check your site in a
> bunch of browsers easily.
> http://www.Adobe.com/BrowserLab
> If anyone here has a different perspective, I'd like to hear it. I can't
> find anything other than browswerlab, but everyone here IMHO is much
> better than I, so I am all ears.
> --
> Blessings
> David M.

Last time I looke BrowserLab did not test functionality. Meaning you
could not test out javascript. And I don't recall if hover is enabled.

Unfortunately javascript is just as quirky as css and everything else
the individual browsers decide to do differently.

There can be some major weirdness if the javascript is not written to
work with the different browsers. So I like to actually run the site
in each of the main browsers.

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