I think this article is relevant to this discussion:

I agree with it completely.


On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Alan Gresley <a...@css-class.com> wrote:
> On 4/12/2010 9:38 PM, Chetan Crasta wrote:
>> I hate to point this out, but it would be unfortunate if those reading
>> this thread consider this an example of good use of CSS and HTML:
>> http://www.gunlaug.no/contents/wd_additions_36.html
>> The page has 9 (yes 9!) wrapper or container divs that serve no
>> semantic purpose.
> Hello Chetan.
> Those wrappers are there to help IE6 and IE7 along. The design / structure
> works well over a large spectrum of viewport width. Those who argue over the
> use of non semantics divs would also be arguing over resets,
> non-consequential selectors strings.
> #wrapper #content .two-columns p.special {...}
> At least we can all have our own individuality while arguing over *CSS*. Odd
> how JS only came into this thread after someone mentioned that zoom: 1 can
> be applied with JS.
>> Not to mention the empty 'spacer' div, the 0-height
>> hr element, the mixing of block and inline child elements in a div,
>> the huge number of&nbsp entities and using three periods instead of
>> &hellip .
> Must check. I bet that if I copied the code and used a xml or xhtml
> extension, it would still be valid.
>> If there ever was a page design that could benefit from some
>> structural Javascript, this would be it!
>> ~Chetan
> Did you just say benefit? Sorry but cool CSS just make JS look silly (works
> nice in Safari).
> <http://css-class.com/test/demos/thumbgallery-transition2.htm>
> Since I follow the development of CSS specifications, I can assure you that
> the above demo only show a little of how CSS will make JS redundant for
> style and structure, leaving JS for behavior only.
> The initial poster asked quite an importance question about hasLayout
> triggering & best practice. They asked this on a CSS list since they wanted
> CSS solutions about buggy CSS behavior by IE7 or earlier versions of IE.
> --
> Alan http://css-class.com/
> Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo
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