@Georg: The &hellip is converted to three periods in Firefox 3.6's
 View Source and in Firebug. This looks like a bug in the browser.

... I wouldn't know since I never view source on web pages in Firefox/Firebug/whatever. I use Opera for that since it doesn't convert, add or subtract anything. It's a personal preference thing, and it works wonderfully.

 After reading your explanation I still don't think the huge amount of
 non-semantic code is justified.

That's OK. Again, it's a personal preference thing, and the term "huge" is relative (see below).

 Sure you're site might work perfectly in Internet Explorer 3 running
 on Windows 95 with a Pentium 200 Mhz and a 14.4 kbps modem, but does
 anybody care? Why burden search engine bots and normal users with
 cruft that shouldn't have got past the 90s?

As you may or may not know: the "compatibility view" in new IE versions renders pages as in IE5.5, so that's a natural cut-off line even if my "quirks mode" pages (as old IE sees them) cover a lot of ground across browserland. As for modems: yes, there are quite a few (millions) of the "at-or-below 56Kbps" in use around, so I infrequently test through one of those contraptions too.

Apart from a few hundred bytes in the source-code I don't burden "normal users" with anything since only those old browsers get to load/see the few thousand bytes of CSS and whatnot I have prepared for them - especially older IE are "well served"[1] - some like to say "overserved." So, in essence the "burden" is lighter than for most sites with somewhat similar complex designs/constructions in modern browsers, and search engines don't seem to have any problems with my site either.

FWIW: we have pretty much answered the OP's questions, so if you have more questions/objections related to my appalling constructions you think are relevant on this list you should start a new thread. Otherwise contact me off-list and I'll try to serve more detailed explanations to whatever you want to know.



[1] http://www.gunlaug.no/contents/wd_additions_12.html
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