On 12/4/10 6:52 PM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
Hi David,

Signature link crashes IETester 6/7/8 on Mac OS X 10.4 running
XP. I find this delightful and rather amusing:-) .
Checks on native boxes appreciated.
Working fine in ie7/8/9 on Win7
And ie6 on Virtual PC


Thanks Thierry --  and all who took time to take a look see...

I found within the past few minutes that IETester will /not/ crash IE 6/7/8 providing I load each browser individually, rather than loading all 3 versions simultaneously . And each browser is rendering as intended with the exception of a couple of minor issues I was aware of in IE/6 before writing this morning. It is working as well on this end in Standalone IE/6 and IE/8. I attempted, without success, to install the MS IE7 virtual image on OS X 10.4 / Parallels {tech moron here].

But these screen shots [1] from a trial-run on Browsercam seem to confirm all is well -- including in IE/7.

*What still puzzles me* is Philip mentioned the page loads totally wacko in IE/7 but snaps in place at [minus] -1 font-scaling. Anyone care to share what might cause that?

[1] <http://www.browsercam.com/public.aspx?proj_id=536600>




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