> Georg's solution relied on the table being at the top of the page.
> To fix it, add a "position:relative" rule to the table. Then his
> solution should work beautifully.
 I tried adding "style='position:relative;'" to the opening table tag
 with no discernible effect.

Of course it didn't, since those Gecko-browsers won't absolute-position anything relative to a table - not to _any_ part of a table.

If you intend to keep the form wrapped around the table like in your example, you can position relative to that form. If not you have to wrap a div around the table and position relative to that div.

Updated demo here...


...and the reason it has changed somewhat is because your HTML code were no good - not valid - so *HTML Tidy* cleaned it up a bit. I advice frequent validity checks, or else positioning relative to a table will be the least problem.

FYI: Browsers have no built-in understanding of "valid" when served garbage-code. They just tune it up a bit through garbage-correction filters and render it the best they can with no regard to web standards. The result of such *error-correction* is somewhat unpredictable so don't rely on that any browser actually got it right.

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