On Thursday, February 10, 2011, 3:16:08 AM, "G.Sørtun" wrote:

> If you intend to keep the form wrapped around the table like in your
> example, you can position relative to that form.
> If not you have to wrap a div around the table and position relative to 
> that div.

Many thanks, George. I probably wouldn't have arrived at my overall
solution without your help as that solution is merely a tweaked
version of your first example. I suspect that it's probably easier to
wrap the entire table in a DIV - which is what I've done - as that
will always work no matter whether the table is 'part of' a form.

> ...and the reason it has changed somewhat is because your HTML code were 
> no good - not valid - so *HTML Tidy* cleaned it up a bit.
> I advice frequent validity checks, or else positioning relative to a 
> table will be the least problem.

Believe it or not, my HTML code passed the W3C validator! Later, when
I checked, I found that the opening body tag was missing. So I've
learned another lesson here - that the W3C validator isn't infallible!

That said, let's not lose sight that this is work-in-progress. I'm
trying to develop a user interface for a map and database driven
application. That HTML was produced not directly but as the output of
about 500 lines of PHP that has yet to be fully tested and debugged!

Thanks again for your help.


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