On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 11:16 AM, Elli Vizcaino <elli...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello CSS Discuss,
> I am really stumped by why there are some slight differences when viewing my 
> work locally and then online, since I am using the same exact CSS and the 
> same browser. Unfortunately, I can not provide a URL to the page because it 
> is proprietary and I have signed an NDA.
> TIA,
> Elli

Something like this was driving me mad a few years back.
I could not figure what the heck was going on.
I compared the css word for word. I double-checked my cache to see
what the actual download version of the style sheet looked like -- in
case it was a server issue.

Turned out..... I had one of those ad blockers running AND I named one
of my divs something like "adblock". The ad blocker would set any div
with a name like adblocker to display: none.  And, they only did this
on the internet version.  When browsing locally it did not do the same

So to fix, I renamed my div and all was well. If you have any ad
blocker you could be looking at something like this. Or, it could be
another issue involving the fact that your local drive is typically

Claude Needham
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