On 23/05/2011 12:36, Bobby Jack wrote:
--- On Mon, 5/23/11, Tim Dawson<t...@ramasaig.com>  wrote:

I've applied an outline to a para within a div, and I want to apply
the same outline to a para underneath the div. (OUTLINE, not

See: http://www.holidaymullandiona.com/wrongoutline.html (this is
an abbreviated version of the page, to illustrate the problem)

It works in FF to a point, but for some reason still unclear the
outline on the separate para expands to embrace the div above.

The div is floated, so the following paragraph's *box* overlaps it.
Try clearing the paragraph and you'll see the desired styling.

- Bobby

Thank you. Of course I should have realised that. Slapped wrist.

Now I'm trying to get the outline to wrap just the text of the para.
I don't want to set a fixed width (say 'width: 400px;') because the actual text can vary in width. The best way I've found so far is to insert a <span> round the text, and put the outline on that.
Is there a better way ?

Tim Dawson
Isle of Mull  PA66 6BP

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