> From: Tim Dawson <t...@ramasaig.com>
> Now I'm trying to get the outline to wrap just the text of
> the para.
> I don't want to set a fixed width (say 'width: 400px;')
> because the 
> actual text can vary in width. The best way I've found so
> far is to 
> insert a <span> round the text, and put the outline
> on that.
> Is there a better way ?

The <span> option is OK, although you probably won't like how it displays when 
the text wraps onto two lines. An alternative would be to float the paragraph 
(and then clear the next element) which will 'auto shrink' its width. But, 
then, the outline will be full-width if the text covers - at least - one line 
and one letter. I think you're probably after something like:

| Lorem ipsum dolor sit |
| amet ------------------

(with apologies to those reading in a non-monospace font)

As far as I'm aware, that's not possible in CSS.

- Bobby
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